Compliance Statement and Ethics
Message from Top Management
The Mitsubishi Electric Group regards "ethics and compliance" as the foundation of corporate management, and issues the following message to all officers and employees as part of its efforts to establish even stronger relationships of trust with customers, stakeholders and society.
Dear colleagues,
Our Values that are shared equally by all members of Mitsubishi Electric Group declare that "we act with high ethical standards and comply with laws and social norms."
Based on these Values, we must fully recognize as our responsibility that adherence to ethics and compliance forms the basis for the company to remain in business, and we must never engage in conduct that violates ethics and compliance and always act with integrity.
In recent years, however, Mitsubishi Electric Group has been faced with a series of quality-related misconduct and other situations that could cause us to lose the trust of our stakeholders that we have built up over the years. Each member of the top management team, including myself, must take this misconduct seriously.
In order for Mitsubishi Electric Group to remain capable of sustainable growth, we must work to foster a corporate culture that compels us to always "do the right thing" with strong determination and enthusiasm to make continuous changes for the better. If your workplace still has the mindset or culture that prioritizes profit and efficiency over compliance, please work to change it immediately.
In the course of your daily work, if you have doubts or discomforts about your own actions or the practices of your department or workplace, please promptly consult with your manager or the department in charge of compliance. In addition, those of you in managerial and supervisory positions must foster a workplace culture in which subordinates can consult with you without hesitation and take serious action to correct problems when you are consulted.
Mitsubishi Electric Group has a history of over a century. For the sake of our next 100 years of contributing to the realization of a vibrant and sustainable society, let us work together, with the flames of change always burning in each of our hearts, to create a new Mitsubishi Electric Group that is overflowing with pride and a strong sense of ethics.

Kei Uruma
President & CEO
Our Concept of Compliance
The Mitsubishi Electric Group recognizes Compliance means always upholding high ethical standards and complying with laws and social norms in order to gain the trust of our stakeholders, which include customers, consumers, business partners, shareholders, employees and society.
We are able to continue our business as a result of the trust from our stakeholders that has been gained throughout our long history of 100 years since our founding in 1921 in Japan.
Non-compliance is any act that betrays the trust of our stakeholders and as a result, undermines the foundations of our business. If the foundations of our business are shaken, our Group’s existence will be threatened. Therefore, we recognize adherence to compliance is the basis for the Group to remain in business.
Based on this awareness, we are attempting to perfect a compliance system which promotes compliance in the broadest sense, encompassing the perspective of social norms, rather than merely focusing on following the letter of the law. At the same time, we are working to educate our officers and employees in this area.
Compliance Motto – "Always Act with Integrity"

The Mitsubishi Electric Group established a compliance motto "Always Act with Integrity" for all Mitsubishi Electric Company's officers and employees on June 1, 2021."Integrity" means the strong will and attitude to persist in doing the right thing and having character traits such as "being fair," "being honest," "being sincere," "taking responsibility for one's behavior" and "respecting others."
At the same time of the establishment of the compliance motto, we established "Questions to test for Integrity" as a hint for officers of employees to ask themselves whether their action or decision is right if they are at a loss as to whether their action or decision is right.
Questions to test for Integrity
1 | Is your action or decision in line with laws and regulations, internal rules, contractual terms or this Code of Conduct? |
2 | Can you tell your family and friends about your action or decision without feeling ashamed? |
3 | Will you be proud of your action or decision if it is reported in the mass media or social media? |
4 | Does your action or decision give priority to compliance over other considerations, e.g., profit, efficiency, etc.? |
5 | Can you rationally and honestly defend your action or decision without having to give excuses such as, "It is just a small thing, there will be no problem"; "It will not be found out "; "I need to do this for the company"; "It has been done this way for a long time"; "My senior colleague also did that" or "I was instructed by my superior"? |
6 | Do you first assess if your superior's instructions are right in light of this Code of Conduct before acting upon the instructions? |
Mitsubishi Electric Group Code of Conduct

Mitsubishi Electric Group Code of Conduct
Mitsubishi Electric Group Code of Conduct is a uniform code of conduct in which laws and regulations and social norms to be complied with and respected by each officer and employee of Mitsubishi Electric Group in executing company business and performing his/her duties are put together and summarized, and is intended to serve as guidelines for our day-to-day conduct. This Code of Conduct was first established in 1990, and became what they are now through multiple revisions based on revisions of relevant laws and regulations, changes to people's perceptions of social norms and other relevant factors. The version presented here is the most recent revision, published in March 2023.
In addition to the Japanese language, the Code of Conduct is published in English, Chinese, and Thai, etc. and offers identical content for each country and region in which we operate, presenting norms to which every Mitsubishi Electric Group officer and employee should conform.
Are you interested in our Code of Conduct? Please contact us under:
Mitsubishi Electric Group Compliance Promotion Structure
Based on recognition that the promotion of compliance is inseparably linked with business promotion, the Mitsubishi Electric Group's system for promoting compliance has our business divisions and affiliates in Japan and overseas take the initiative in promoting compliance.

Mitsubishi Electric Group compliance promotion structure
Meeting of compliance managers in the Europe region
Meeting of compliance managers in the Korea region