
Prevent corruption and bribery!
Mitsubishi Electric is committed to being fair, open and honest in its conduct of business, because "Mitsubishi Electric" is a brand that enjoys great trust and recognition worldwide. Compliance with ethical standards, laws, regulations and guidelines by our managers, employees and business partners is therefore very important to us. The existing Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. Code of Conduct is based not only on laws and human rights, but also on our corporate philosophy, our guiding principles, our social contribution and our environmental activities.
The Anti-Corruption Policy defines that we do not tolerate any form of corruption (bribery, corruption, acceptance and granting of advantages). No employee of our company or business partner acting on behalf of Mitsubishi Electric may make, offer or accept direct or indirect payments or other benefits in order to gain an improper competitive advantage. This also applies to improper gifts and entertainment.
Our employees receive targeted training on this subject. Processes and measures relating to benefits are clearly regulated and software tools help us to implement them effectively in order to make them transparent, secure and comprehensible for employees. The risk management system of the German Branch of Mitsubishi Electric ensures that implemented processes and controls are regularly reviewed and evaluated.