The Mitsubishi Electric Group and the SDGs
The Mitsubishi Electric Group and the SDGs
In 2015, the countries of the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Mitsubishi Electric Group views these SDGs as an important agenda, the realization of which society seeks.
Under its Purpose that "We, the Mitsubishi Electric Group, will contribute to the realization of a vibrant and sustainable society through continuous technological innovation and ceaseless creativity" the Group aims to contribute to solving social issues. This policy corresponds to what the globally shared goals of the SDGs aim to achieve.
Through our numerous businesses and the entirety of our corporate activities, including environment, social and governance (ESG)-related activities, the Mitsubishi Electric Group is contributing to meeting the 17 SDGs.

The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)
The SDGs are a set of global goals that are to be achieved between 2016 and 2030. They were adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015 as a successor to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that were formulated in 2001, and are composed of 17 goals and 169 targets for achieving a sustainable world.
Two key principles of the SDGs are that they seek change in developed countries, including Japan, and that they pledge "no one will be left behind" in the implementation of their initiatives.
In Japan, the SDGs Promotion Headquarters has been established, chaired by the Prime Minister and composed of all ministers in the Cabinet Office, to formulate implementation guidelines and promote initiatives for the SDGs.
Priority SDG initiatives
In line with the materiality identified for fiscal 2022, we reviewed the SDGs to address on a priority basis that we determined in fiscal 2019. In the course of reviewing our goals, we conducted an internal and external survey. As a result of it, we found that Mitsubishi Electric is expected to contribute to resolving social challenges through its business activities.
Based on a study within the company, we set SDGs 3, 7, 9, 11, and 13 as the Priority SDG initiatives, which correspond to "realize a decarbonized society" and "solve social challenges in the four areas of Life, Industry, Infrastructure, and Mobility," the areas that the Group will focus on going forward. By further promoting initiatives to create value for these goals to which we can contribute significantly as a comprehensive electrical and electronics manufacturer, we will make a specific contribution to achieving the SDGs.
- Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being Life and Mobility fields
- Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy Energy savings in production and products and services, etc. for realizing a decarbonized society
- Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure Industry field
- Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities Infrastructure and Mobility fields
- Goal 13: Climate Action Realization of a decarbonized society
In doing this, the Mitsubishi Electric Group will integrate the concept of the SDGs into its management strategy and contribute to the SDGs that we will prioritize through our materiality initiatives.

Materiality and SDGs
Initiatives related to the 17 SDGs
The Mitsubishi Electric Group, as a comprehensive electrical and electronic manufacturer, handles a wide range of technologies, products, and services, ranging from familiar home electronics products to satellites and projects on a national scale. As such, we believe that we can also greatly contribute toward meeting the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

No Poverty
We are working to end poverty by creating employment through the global expansion of our business, and launching initiatives including the establishment of social infrastructure and volunteer activities.

Zero Hunger
We are contributing to solving food-related issues through measures including the provision of IT support for agriculture via ICT and positioning satellites, improving productivity in foodstuffs factories through FA, and supplying refrigeration and freezing technologies for food.

Good Health and Well-being
We contribute to improving health and well-being through transportation safety support systems that help to cut down traffic accidents, as well as through cutting-edge Air conditioning Systems that contribute to the advancement of treatment.

Quality Education
In addition to providing technological assistance to developing nations and supporting remote education through our communication and IT technologies, we are contributing to fostering the next generation and beyond through activities that contribute to society.

Gender Equality
We are supporting the social empowerment of women through providing ICT services and supplying home appliances, and we are promoting the further advancement of women within the Group.

Clean Water and Sanitation
The Group has technology for treating and purifying water, and supplies technologies and systems whose purpose is to deliver safe water.

Affordable and Clean Energy
We are working to develop technologies and systems that will help produce a smart, energy-conserving, and energy-creating society — technologies, products, and services that we are endeavoring to make widely available.

Decent Work and Economic Growth
Through our FA and AI technologies, we are working to contribute to increased productivity and the provision of desirable working environments throughout the Group.

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
The Group supports manufacturing through its factory automation business, and nurtures development in the industrial field through technological innovation.

Reduced Inequalities
In cooperation with our stakeholders, we are contributing to realizing discrimination-free societies that respect human rights.

Sustainable Cities and Communities
We provide safety, security, and comfort to people's lives through our work in the disaster-prevention and infrastructure-development fields.

Responsible Consumption and Production
We are endeavoring to reduce the volume of resources used in manufacturing and to recycle spent products. Additionally, we are also pushing to reduce the volume of final waste disposed and to be environmentally friendly in our resource procurements.

Climate Action
We are working to identify a total valuation of our CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions in order to set our goals for reductions.

Life below Water
Life on Land
We develop and supply observation satellites that deliver information about ocean and forest conditions, and furthermore promote initiatives at our offices aimed at harmonizing their activities with the local environment.

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Based on laws and international norms, we are working to improve both our supply chains and areas including human rights, labor, the environment and the prevention of corruption on a global scale.

Partnerships for the Goals
We are contributing to the achievement of the SDGs through partnerships with entities including governments, universities, research institutes, companies, and NGOs, pushing ahead with open innovation and other initiatives.
Progress of Initiatives to Address the SDGs
The Mitsubishi Electric Group is conducting measures in a variety of forms to make our employees aware of the background to the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to entrench the individual goals themselves, in order to deepen understanding of the SDGs among each of them. Considering how the Mitsubishi Electric Group could contribute, the Sustainability Committee, Sustainability Expert Committee and Sustainability Business Promotion Committee commenced reviews by devising potential responses by their own companies. In fiscal 2019, we decided on "Priority SDG initiatives" and reviewed them in fiscal 2022.
With achievement of the goals we share globally as our objective, we will maintain our efforts to bolster management as we work to make everyone throughout the company fully cognizant of our SDGs and contribute to the achievement of the SDGs as part of our operations.
Main initiatives to the present
- Lecture presentation for executives by Toshio Arima, a board member of Global Compact Network Japan (fiscal 2018)
- Reflecting of SDGs in our business strategy (fiscal 2018, fiscal 2019, fiscal 2020, fiscal 2021, fiscal 2022)
- Holding lecture presentations regarding the SDGs for research and development divisions (fiscal 2018, fiscal 2020)
- Promoting understanding about the SDGs through internal newsletters (fiscal 2018, fiscal 2019, fiscal 2020, fiscal 2021, fiscal 2022)
- Education of staff to advance the SDGs during training of CSR personnel (fiscal 2018, fiscal 2019)
- SDGs training (fiscal 2019, fiscal 2020)
Lecture presentation for executives by Toshio Arima from Global Compact Network Japan
Lecture presentation regarding the SDGs for research and development divisions
SDGs training